רבי שמואל בן-יהושע
Rabbi at Temple Sholom of Ontario
Serving San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, CA and all of Southern California
Saturday Morning Shabbat Shachrit Services שבת שחרית
sáb, 17 abr
Services will be conducted via Zoom with Temple Sholom of Ontario.
Horario y ubicación
17 abr 2021, 10:00 – 12:15 GMT-7
Acerca del evento
Services will be conducted via Zoom with Temple Sholom. Services will start on Saturday (2/27/21) morning at 10:00 am PT. We will use both the Siddur Hadash (Red book), Shabbat and Festival Morning and (Blue Book), Shabbat and Festivals. Pages will be posted on the Zoom link. We will also broadcast on our Facebook page for Temple Sholom of Ontario.
Will forward links for Saturday upon RSVP.
Please put an actual name on the account, instead of the phone number. If you use the links, it has the password embedded; if they use their own account, we also have the ID & password.
Parashat Tazria-Metzora / פרשת תַזְרִיעַ־מְּצֹרָע
Read on 17 April 2021 (5 Iyyar 5781).
Parashat Tazria-Metzora is the 27th and 28th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Leviticus 12:1-15:33
Full Kriyah
1: 12:1-13:23 (31 p'sukim)
2: 13:24-39 (16 p'sukim)
3: 13:40-54 (15 p'sukim)
4: 13:55-14:20 (25 p'sukim)
5: 14:21-32 (12 p'sukim)
6: 14:33-15:15 (40 p'sukim)
7: 15:16-33 (18 p'sukim)
maf: 15:31-33 (3 p'sukim
Soncino Humash pp. 459 - 477
Artscroll Humash pp. 608 -
Haftarah: II Kings 7:3 - 7:20