רבי שמואל בן-יהושע
Rabbi at Temple Sholom of Ontario
Serving San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, CA and all of Southern California
Adult Torah Study
mar, 14 dic
Discussing the week's Torah sedrah/parashat/portion

Horario y ubicación
14 dic 2021, 19:30 – 20:55 GMT-8
Acerca del evento
Join us for an hour of discussing and learning the week's Torah portion.
Torah Study
Tonight we will be discussing Parshat Vayechi/VayyechiPgs 187 - 191
Triennial year 3 Torah Portion: Genesis 49:27-50:26
Hebcal: https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/vayechiPDF: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:19b16220-f8c2-45a4-956c-e999d0657c20
Please note that after this week, Torah Study will be on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM, and
will use the same Zoom information as below:
Topic: Torah Study
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89536442227?pwd=WWZIUDhKWS9kQW9NY0ZkQ1hPd0NaQT09
Meeting ID: 895 3644 2227 Passcode: 986226
Parashat Vayechi 5782 / פָּרָשַׁת וַיְחִי
Read on 18 December 2021 / 14 Tevet 5782.
Parashat Vayechi is the 12th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26 https://tikkun.io/#/r/1-47-28
Parashat Vayechi tells of Jacob's request for burial in Canaan, Jacob's blessing of Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob's blessing of his sons, Jacob's death and burial, and Joseph's death.
Triennial year 3
1: 49:27-30 · 4 p’sukim ·
2: 49:31-33 · 3 p’sukim ·
3: 50:1-6 · 6 p’sukim ·
4: 50:7-9 · 3 p’sukim ·
5: 50:10-14 · 5 p’sukim ·
6: 50:15-20 · 6 p’sukim ·
7: 50:21-26 · 6 p’sukim ·
maf: 50:23-26 · 4 p’sukim ·
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1 - 2:12 · 12 p’sukim
Soncino Chumash pp. 187 - 191 Triennial Year 3 (Full Kriyah pp. 187 - 191)
Artscroll Chumash: pp. 282 - 289 (Full Kriyah pp. 268 - 289)
Etz Chaim Chumash: pp. 305 - 311 (Full Kriyah pp. 293 - 311)